

Subjects of (Feigned or otherwise Accredited) Interest

I. Food & Spirits
II. Creatures – A Bestiary in Eight Parts
    A. Common
    B. Sea
    C. Hirsute
    D. Diminutive
    E. Adorable
    F. Edible
    G. Uncommon
    H. Imagined
III. Language
IV. Science (Unconfirmed) and Mathematics (Briefly)
    A. Physical Science (The Earth as Itself)
        ii.Natural Phenomena
    B. Biology
         i. Anatomy
         ii. Health & Afflictions
    C. Psychology
    D. Mathematics
V. Organizations (Including, though not Wholly, Religion and Government)
VI. Entertainment
    A. Music
    B. Film
    C. Literature (Including Pamphlets and Instructions)
    D. Art
    E. Sporting Events
    F. Pornography
VII. Society and Culture
VIII. Places and Architecture (Structures Fabricated and Natural)
IX. The Normal and Paranormal
X. People
    A. People(s)
    B. Persons Worthy of Note
    C. Persons Unworthy of Note

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